
Global multi-sectoral experience across consumer and business markets

Improving Training Outcomes - Personalized Learning Paths

The future of personalized learning paths is both exciting and promising, fueled by the relentless advancement of technology. As our digital landscape evolves, so does our ability to tailor content with precision, making learning experiences more relevant and engaging than ever before.

Skills Taxonomy Basics: A Primer

Robust reskilling programs emerge as the linchpin in this strategic approach, not only fostering employee loyalty but also ensuring a workforce finely tuned and prepared for the challenges that tomorrow may bring.

Skills Taxonomy Basics: A Primer

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has reshaped our work landscape, ushering in disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, and the Internet of Things. As organizations grapple with these changes, companies […]

Leading with Sustainability

How businesses can step up on the SDG’s The discussion around the new emerging shift have repeatedly highlighted the need for balance. Hence, when we speak about ‘development’, we need […]

Sustainable Finance

Creating long term impact for the SDG’s Once considered a niche market for institutional clients with specialised investment needs, ESG investing has gone mainstream. It now spans multiple asset classes […]

Cloud First Service Experiences

Our world is increasingly digital and virtual! This has many benefits, but equally, it has many challenges.   For instance, virtual work gives flexibility and helps people work from anywhere. At […]

Gucci Leads the Scale Down of Fashion Seasons

Climate change and sustainability risks have shined a spotlight on unsustainable consumption, of which the fashion industry is a big part. The consumer mindset, is changing too as there is a slow but discernible shift towards socially conscious shoppers the world over.